193 research outputs found

    Computing Flood Discharge for Daungnay Ungaged Watershed

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    Abstract: Flood hazard is one of the most harmful natural disasters in the world, and it is significant to obtain information on flood characteristics for disaster mitigation as well as vulnerability assessment. Estimation of runoff for a watershed can be carried out by a number of empirical hydrologic methods. In this study the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) curve number method is used to predict runoff depth. SCS dimensionless unit hydrograph (SCS-DUH) is adopted to formulate flood discharge. Arc-GIS software is used to develop Digital Elevation Model and to extract watershed for Daungnay creek. There are 24 sub-basins in this watershed. Each subbasin is modeled with its own parameters. Muskingum Stream Routing method is used to predict the changing magnitude of flood as a function of time at the points along the watercourse for various design return periods. The requisite discharge data for the inundation model is produced from the rainfall-runoff modeling utilizing HEC-Hydrological Modeling System (HEC-HMS)


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    In the highly competitive environment, the sustainability of SMEs is one of the most important factors to the development of country economy .Therefore, SMEs are now finding the ways to survive and achieve sustainable competitive advantage by exploiting resources and network according to the resource-based view theory (RBV). In the resource acquiring process, networking is the main channel for the firms which require resources from external environment and networking behaviors of top management influence the organization networking effectiveness. In this research, the relationship between owner-managers’ networking behaviors and network resources, and network resources and sustainable competitive advantage of SMEs in Myanmar (Yangon) are examined. Differences among the types of SMEs (manufacturing, trade and service) to acquire network resources and achieve sustainable competitive advantage are also observed. Purpose: The main purpose of this paper is to identify the importance of networking behaviors of owner-managers and network resources in attaining sustainable competitive advantage of SMEs in Myanmar. Design and Methodology: This study applied multiple regression, simple linear regression and One-way ANOVA to analyze the data of 310 SMEs in Yangon. By using judgmental sampling, quota sampling and convenient sampling from manufacturing, trading and service sectors are surveyed. Findings: According to the direct relationship between networking behaviors (proactiveness, commitment, strategy and openness) and network resources, it is found that three of four hypotheses are significant at 0.95 confident intervals with R square of 0.65. For the direct relation of network resources to sustainable competitive advantage, it is significantly related with the p value less than 0.5 and R square of 0.1. Research Limitation / Implications: Not all SMEs are registered and only 55% of SMEs are registered in the data base of the study. Thus the outcome might not be generalizable enough for all SME s in Yangon. Practical Implications: SME owner-managers can realize effective networking behaviors, networking channel to acquire resources and sustain their competitive advantage by exploiting these network resources. Moreover, SMEs can overcome resource-deficit nature by networking and maintain employment rate and create jobs by achieving sustainable competitive advantage. Originality / Value: The paper provides the importance of networking, network channels and resources in attaining sustainable competitive advantage of SMEs

    Optimal remote access trojans detection based on network behavior

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    RAT is one of the most infected malware in the hyper-connected world. Data is being leaked or disclosed every day because new remote access Trojans are emerging and they are used to steal confidential data from target hosts. Network behavior-based detection has been used to provide an effective detection model for Remote Access Trojans. However, there is still short comings: to detect as early as possible, some False Negative Rate and accuracy that may vary depending on ratio of normal and malicious RAT sessions. As typical network contains large amount of normal traffic and small amount of malicious traffic, the detection model was built based on the different ratio of normal and malicious sessions in previous works. At that time false negative rate is less than 2%, and it varies depending on different ratio of normal and malicious instances. An unbalanced dataset will bias the prediction model towards the more common class. In this paper, each RAT is run many times in order to capture variant behavior of a Remote Access Trojan in the early stage, and balanced instances of normal applications and Remote Access Trojans are used for detection model. Our approach achieves 99 % accuracy and 0.3% False Negative Rate by Random Forest Algorithm

    An Improved Fuzzy-based Image Filtering for High Density Salt and Pepper Noise

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    The proposed system presents a fuzzy switching filter to remove high density salt and pepper noise in an image. This system combined the ability of modified median filter, the proposed fuzzy median filter and the proposed fuzzy mean filter. At first, target pixel in a (3x3) kernel is checked whether it is noise pixel (0 or 255) or not. If there isn’t noise, the noise checking process shifts to the next kernel. If there is noise pixel (0 or 255), the number of noise within a kernel is counted. If the noise count is less than or equal to four which is less noise density, the modified median filter is used to remove noise. If the noise count is greater than four and less than or equal to six, the proposed fuzzy median filter is applied. If the noise count is larger than six which is high noise density, the proposed fuzzy mean filter is used to remove noise. By switching these three filters depending on the noise count within a kernel, the propose system can remove high density salt and pepper noise without distorting the edge and fine details in an image. At the experimental results, the proposed system can give better performance in removing high noise density. Furthermore, the denoising performance of the proposed filters will also be presented by calculating the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) values

    Autonomous Parallel Parking of a Car-Like Mobile Robot with Geometric Path Planning

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    With the advancement of technology making everything so convenient in these days and ages, autonomous system is very interesting area in the innovating technology. One of the advanced booming technologies for the improvement of human race is autonomous taxi mobile transportation system. It is working well in a district area but it still thrives on making more comfortable. This research will be one point of supporting roles for automobile in parallel parking. An autonomous parallel parking of a car-like mobile robot has been developed in this study. The ultrasonic range sensors are used to detect the working environments and design an s-shaped trajectory between two parallel parked vehicles. One trail maneuver system is used to be moving along the s-shaped trajectory parking path. The s-shaped trajectory is purely based on the geometric approach path planning method. The proposed method is not dependent on the initial pose of the robot but it must be parallel with the parking space. Sensor data are used as the main decision part to change the parking states instance of to find the parking space and adjust robot orientation. Fuzzy filter is applied to stabilize the sensor data and give a quick response input. The working environment is constrained by the wall and sensor arrangement. Visual studio 2013 is used for the user interface window. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated through some experimental results with a car-like mobile robot

    Gender difference in betel quid consumption levels and tobacco use among adults in Myanmar

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    Several small scaled studies in Myanmar investigated determinants of betel quid chewing status but to better understand more complete profiles of betel quid chewing habits, this study investigated the associations of betel quid consumption levels with tobacco and sociodemographic factors using a nationally representative sample in Myanmar. A cross-sectional, secondary data analysis was conducted by using Myanmar demographic and health survey (MDHS) (2015-2016). Chi-square tests and multinomial logistic regression were performed with p-value<0.05 as significance. Men averagely chewed 5.59 (SD=8.229) pieces per day while women chewed 1.25 (SD=3.584) pieces. The prevalence of chewing daily pieces 1-2, 3-5 and 6+ were 7.9%, 17.1% and 34.2% for men and 6.1%, 8% and 7.1 %, respectively, for women. In multivariate analysis, low education, low family wealth, married, and urban were more likely to chew 6+ pieces per day relevant to no consumption in both genders, while a positive association with age was observed only in women. Tobacco use was associated with low consumption level (1-2 pieces), relative to no consumption in both genders. Therefore, this study underlined the need to improve knowledge on the dangers associated with betel quid chewing and tobacco use among socially disadvantaged populations and urban residents

    Pneumaturia and faecaluria: Symptoms leading to a life-saving diagnosis

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    Colonic diverticulosis is often asymptomatic, but it can complicate bleeding, abscess and stricture. Pneumaturia and faecaluria are unexpected manifestations of colonic diverticulitis complicated by colovesical fistula formation. This case report highlighted a 57-year-old man who presented with lower abdominal pain which was associated with pneumaturia and fecaluria. He was diagnosed with colovesical fistula after being misdiagnosed with other diseases from various clinic visits. Direct fluoroscopy was performed and a diverticular fistula of the sigmoid colon was confirmed by computed tomography of the abdomen. Hartmann’s procedure and resection of the posterior wall of the bladder were resected. Pneumaturia and faecaluria are common but distinct manifestations of complicated diverticular diseases. Attention should be paid to general practitioners to achieve proper referral, hence early treatment and prevention of disease-related complications